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How to create a portfolio website
Last Updated 3 years ago

  1. To get started, you need to sign up on the Muzu app. If you already have an account, simply log in.
  2. Next, when choosing the type of website you want to create, ensure you select the "portfolio or profile" type.
  3. Add your name and profession.
  4. Add a brief description of yourself.
  5. On the project page, you can add projects you have worked on or click on the  "skip" button to skip this step.
  6. To add your experiences, click on "add job experience" and enter the details of your job experience. Once you have added the necessary details, click the next button.
  7. Select the template you will prefer to use for your website and click the next button.
  8. Choose a sub-domain from the suggested subdomains or enter a custom sub-domain if you prefer.
  9. You will be taken to the editing area to make final touches such as adding new job experiences.
  10. Once you are done, click on the publish button.

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